The commemoration unfortunately has to be canceled due to security measures in connection with the European Football Championship. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
The foundation Stiftung Denkmal für die ermordeten Juden Europas, together with the Arnold Liebster Foundation, invites to a public commemoration on the 91st anniversary of the ban on the Bible Students (Jehovah’s Witnesses) in Prussia, on June 24, 1933, at the site of the planned memorial in Berlin’s Tiergarten, near the Goldfish Pond.
Date, time: June 24, 2024, 5 p.m.
Location: Berlin, Tiergarten, near the goldfish pond (access via Lenné-/Tiergartenstraße)
Musical framing:
Fan Wang (violin) and Annika Reuter (viola)
Uwe Neumärker, Director of the Foundation Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe
Historical contribution: “The persecution of female Bible students under National Socialism”
Dr. Christl Wickert
Reading of memory fragments from Berlin pupils and students
Naming of 12 persecuted Jehovah’s Witnesses who had taken part in conspiratorial meetings at the goldfish pond.
We look forward to seeing you there. Registration is not required.
Further information can be found here.
There is also a biography of Simone Arnold-Liebster on the Stiftung Denkmal’s website: https://www.verfolgung-von-jugendlichen-im-ns.de/biographies/simone-arnold