Who Am I ? Young Minds Forced to Choose

Poster exhibition "Who am I"
Poster exhibition “Who am I”

The story of young Jehovah’s Witnesses
who faced Nazi terror and refused to give in.

World Premiere Opening and Reception
November 5, 2006
The Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust
6435 Wilshire Blvd.
Los Angeles CA, 90048

As part of LAMOTH’s continuing series which explores “other” vicitms of the Holocaust, Simone and Rudolf, two young, persecuted Jehovah’s Witnesses, narrate the stories of their families and friends.

Each panel heading poses a probing question for young viewers to reflect on. Short, true-life accounts show how Jehovah’s Witnesses answered these questions when faced with Nazi persecution.

Sponsored by

the Arnold-Liebster Foundation
RSVP 323-651-3704

LAMOTH is a non-profit 501-c-3 organization

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