Films and Videos

Resistance of Conscience – A Girl against the Nazi Regime


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Interview with Simone Arnold Liebster on March 18, 1997


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Interview by the USC Shoah Foundation with contemporary witness Simone Arnold Liebster on March 18, 1997. Length: 224 minutes.

Shortened version (length 33 minutes):

Excerpt about saying goodbye to her mother (2 minutes):

Skype interview Simone Arnold Liebster 10/17/2018


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The Robert H. Jackson Center hosted on October 16 and 17, 2018, a commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the Barnette case (USA). The final event was a Skype interview with Simone Arnold Liebster from her home in France. Length: 40 minutes.

A youth in the resistance: Anna rejects the Nazi ideology

Video about Jehovah’s Witness Anna Denz from Lörrach. Length: 5 minutes.

The Schoolgirl The Nazis and The Purple Triangles | HOLOCAUST EDUCATION FILM


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Documentary “The Schoolgirl The Nazis and The Purple Triangles” directed by Jonny Lewis, 2018. Length: 29 minutes.

Do Not Be Afraid
Persecution and Resistance of Jehovah’s Witnesses
under the Nazi regime

Documentary by Stefanie Krug and Fritz Poppenberg

Description: For over 50 years, the history of Jehovah’s Witnesses’ unprecedented resistance under the Nazi regime was suppressed. This film was only made possible with the support of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington DC, as well as funding from the Board of Trustees for Young German Film and the Lower Saxony Cultural Film Fund.

No instead of yes and amen
Leopold Engleitner: He went a different way

Video documentation by Bernhard Rammerstorfer

Description : Leopold Engleitner tells stories from his exciting life at original locations. This video contains, among other things, original recordings from the years 1896-1945 about Emperor Franz Josef, the First World War and the Buchenwald concentration camp, as well as excerpts from the film “Liebling der Götter” with Hans Moser. The life of this concentration camp survivor is described in a touching and impressive film documentary. As a Bible Student (Jehovah’s Witness) and because of his refusal to go to war, he had to endure the brutal harshness of the Hitler regime.
Entry in the catalog of the German National Library

The girl with the purple triangle

Fritz Poppenberg – 2003

Description : How 18-year-old Hermi survived the concentration camp. The film takes the viewer to the Stutthof concentration camp in 1944. 18-year-old Hermi is brought in with other women. For hours they have to face the barracks wall in the heat.

Come Be My Follower
Jehovah’s Witnesses under the GDR regime

Film documentation, Fritz Poppenberg, 1999

Description : “Come Be My Follower” tells the story of men, women and children who were persecuted by the communist state because of their Christian faith. The means employed in the name of the ideals of liberty, equality and fraternity are significant: people were abducted and systematically tortured or poisoned, mothers were arrested away from their children, and pregnant women were sentenced to severe prison terms.

Commemoration of the state parliament of Baden-Württemberg on January 27th, 2021 on the occasion of the day of remembrance for the victims of National Socialism

The state parliament of Baden-Württemberg commemorated the victim group of Jehovah’s Witnesses in its central commemoration.

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